Please use this online form to update your Account information with The Anguilla Electricity Company Ltd. (ANGLEC) for the RESEMBID – ANGLEC Partnership under the CAREEP PROJECT for Awareness of Energy Efficiency in Caribbean Households.

Thank you!

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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. Are you the noted ANGLEC account holder on file?

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* 3. Are you a single mother or father?

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* 4. Please note information for the account you're updating:

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* 5. If you are not the account holder, please list your full name and contact details below:

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* 6. Is there any other information you'd like to update?

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* 7. What was your kWh consumption for December and January.

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* 8. CONFIRMATION & VERIFICATION: I hereby confirm that all information and authorization provided in this electronic form is true and within my right to submit. 

I also agree to be contacted by an ANGLEC representative for further information or verification if needed.

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* 9. Additional Questions, Comments or Concerns: