Curators PAG Survey

As the new PAG chair, I’d like to know what you would like to get out of the PAG. This year, our PAG is partnering with the Registrars and Collections Care Specialists PAG on a workshop; we’re working on something on the nuts and bolts of repatriation processes.

Your answers to this survey will shape what the Curators PAG offers in the future!

If you have any questions, contact me at

--Tegan Kehoe
1.Which PAG descriptions fit the roles you play in your organization? Check all that apply, including roles you share with another person.
2.Which PAG fits your primary role in your organization?
3.What influences your decision to go to PAG events:
Not a factor
Somewhat important
Very Important
Event topic
Event speaker(s)
Event format (such as panel discussion, or hands-on workshop)
Availability of public transportation
Convenient location
Timing of workshop (full-day/half-day)
4.What types of events would you like the Curators PAG to do? (check all that apply)
5.Of those types of events, which are most interesting to you – pick your top two:
6.What are some topics you’d like to see Curators PAG events cover?
7.Are there any speakers or locations you’d like us to recruit for an event?
8.Would you be interested in an online discussion board for the Curator’s PAG?
9.What are you looking for in a discussion board? (check all that apply, or none if you’re not interested)
10.What discussion board platforms do you already use? (you can skip if you’re not interested in a discussion board)
11.Comments about a discussion board:
12.How often do you attend events held by other professional organizations? (Include webinars, in-person events, conferences, etc.)
13.Which organizations are they, and what kind of events?
14.How much does content overlap between the content of events matter to you?
15.What else would you like to see the Curators PAG do? What else should we know about your needs?
Current Progress,
0 of 15 answered