
This year the Vancouver Farmers Markets expanded opened their first full season Hastings Park after two successful trial periods in Fall 2014 and Spring 2015. Thank you to everyone who came out in support of local food in their community!

The market averaged 39 vendors on-site per day. We conducted weekly counts of shopper numbers and saw an average of 830 people come through the market.

We heard frequently from shoppers how excited they were to have a market in the neighbourhood and what a perfect site we were on, with generous space, ample parking and access to electricity. We received great support from our site hosts at the PNE and local community groups.

We're looking for feedback from shoppers and community partners who attended the market. We're always working to make our markets more inclusive and more successful - we really value your thoughts and opinions!

The survey should take about 5-10 minutes to complete. Thank you for your feedback!