Please use this form to submit an application for the TAP Network's Second Round of funding for its 2022 "Innovation Fund".

This funding aims to support innovative projects that advance civil society engagement at the global, regional or national-level, with a focus on the TAP Network priority areas around SDG16+ and accountability for the 2030 Agenda. This “Innovation Fund” will seek to identify creative, non-traditional ways of engaging and mobilizing civil society partners around SDG16+ in particular, with the aim of piloting projects that can be scaled or replicated by others. 

Proposals that prioritize “outside-the-box” ideas to advance civil society engagement around TAP’s work are encouraged. This can be related to any of TAP’s current work programmes, or completely new ideas for maximizing impact. “Innovative” proposals for this opportunity should go beyond more traditional means of engagement within civil society, such as meetings, workshops, webinars or blogs. Instead, “innovation” within proposals should focus on how to mobilize and engage civil society through non-traditional means, such as innovative media, non-traditional outreach methods or other ideas creative means of engagement.

You can find the call-for-proposals with detailed information about this opportunity here. A total of $10,000 USD will be available through this second round of the TAP Network Innovation Fund, with TWO projects selected for funding of up to $5,000 USD each.

Proposals should adhere to the TAP Network’s Funding Support Guidelines.

Deadline for applications: Monday 16 May 2022
I. Basic Information:

Question Title

* 1. Organization Name:

Question Title

* 2. My Organization:

Question Title

* 4. Organization Region: (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 5. Organization website:

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* 6. Email address:

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* 7. Name of person submitting this application:

II. Information about your organization:

Question Title

* 8. Please describe your organization's work and priorities around the 2030 Agenda, SDG16+ and the TAP Network more broadly in no more than 500 words:

III. Proposal Details:
Please be sure to read the overview of this funding opportunity, along with the call-for-proposals and the TAP Network's Funding Guidelines in detail to ensure that you are providing all relevant information needed for this application.

Question Title

* 9. Please briefly outline why this project is "innovative" in mobilizing and engaging with civil society:

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* 10. Please provide an overview of your proposed project, including details on your objectives, intended outputs and activities. This could also include a timeline or work plan, details on how outcomes and lessons learned will be harvested, or any additional information you feel would be relevant to outline about this work.

Question Title

* 11. Please outline any additional TAP Network Partners or other organizations or groups that you might work with on this project:

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* 12. Amount of funding you are seeking for your proposal:

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* 13. Please upload a proposed budget for your proposal:

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 14. Any additional information that you'd like to provide related to your proposal that you feel is relevant: