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4Front's '6Ps of Positive Pharmacy Practice' Tool

Rachel Dungan, 'The Pharmacist Coach,' co-presenter of the 'The Value of Having a Positive Pharmacy Practice' CPD Session at the IPU National Pharmacy Conference invites pharmacists to participate in this Self-Reflection Tool in advance of the session.  The purpose is to explore 'Positive Pharmacy Practice' through SIX specific, inter-connected perspectives for the sake of individual and shared professional awareness, learning and growth. No individual data will be shared.  However, emerging themes may be included to focus the CPD session on what is most valuable and relevant to Irish Community Pharmacists as it relates to Positive Practice.   
This tool typically takes 8-10 minutes to complete.  

Question Title

* 1. Do you work in Pharmacy in a Leadership Role such as Pharmacist, Supervisor, Superintendent, Manager, Owner etc.?

Question Title

* 2. 4Front's 6Ps of Positive Practice examines Pharmacy Practice from six distinct, yet inter-connected perspectives.  Rank the 6Ps below in order of which is most relevant/urgent/important for you right now? (Top = Most Relevant, Bottom = Least Relevant)

Question Title

* 3. Personal | Rate each area on a scale from 1 to 4 based on your current circumstances. 4 = fantastic/couldn't be better/totally happy with it/strongly agree/always; 1 = dismal/couldn't be worse/extremely unhappy with it/strongly disagree/never

  1 2 3 4
I manage my time and prioritise my tasks to maintain a work/life balance that enables me to be my best, at home and at work
My personal, professional and financial goals are in alignment with each other (not in competition)
I create a positive ripple effect on all those with whom I come in contact
I regularly engage in self-reflection and self-care activities to maintain my overall well-being
I consistently set personal goals and diligently focus my attention and actions towards achieving them
I prioritise my own growth and development, seeking opportunities for continuous learning, even in challenging situations.
I effectively manage stress and adapt to change in a fast-paced and demanding pharmacy environment
I have a clear understanding of my personal values and how they align with my role at work

Question Title

* 4. Purpose | Rate each area on a scale from 1 to 4 based on your current circumstances. 4 = fantastic/couldn't be better/totally happy with it/strongly agree/always; 1 = dismal/couldn't be worse/extremely unhappy with it/strongly disagree/never

  1 2 3 4
I have a clear and compelling vision for the future of pharmacy and effectively communicate it to my team
I regularly review and align my actions with the purpose and values of the pharmacy in which I work
I provide a sense of meaning and purpose to my team members in their roles
I regularly connect with the core purpose of my work and its impact on the community
I create opportunities for my team members to contribute their talents and ideas and align them with the purpose of the pharmacy
I actively seek to understand the needs and expectations of our customers and adapt accordingly
I inspire and motivate my team by connecting their individual work to the overall purpose of the pharmacy
I am proud that the work that my team and I do makes a positive difference to our customers' lives

Question Title

* 5. Professional | Rate each area on a scale from 1 to 4 based on your current circumstances. 4 = fantastic/couldn't be better/totally happy with it/strongly agree/always; 1 = dismal/couldn't be worse/extremely unhappy with it/strongly disagree/never

  1 2 3 4
I schedule time to pause, reflect so I can think clearly and make strategic decisions
I regularly engage in reflective practices such as journaling, recording a CPD cycle, coaching, mentoring and/or super-vision to clarify thinking, process difficult experiences, prevent blind-spots, complacency and burn-out and foster a culture of continuous learning within the pharmacy
I adhere to the Code of Conduct and uphold industry regulations, standards and professional best practices 
I ensure clear performance expectations of myself and others
For the sake of fairness and patient safety, I effectively manage my own and my team's performance issues and receive/provide necessary coaching and mentoring
I seek and provide feedback that empowers each member of my team (including myself) to excel and fosters a culture of candour
My team and I consistently use a consultation skills framework to safeguard patient safety and we have a system to objectively review our consultation skills in action
I require myself and my team to consistently update our knowledge and skills in pharmacy practice to stay ahead of industry changes

Question Title

* 6. People | Rate each area on a scale from 1 to 4 based on your current circumstances. 4 = fantastic/couldn't be better/totally happy with it/strongly agree/always; 1 = dismal/couldn't be worse/extremely unhappy with it/strongly disagree/never

  1 2 3 4
My workplace attracts and retains high performing staff and has a reputation as a 'great place to work'
My workplace is one where everyone feels heard, valued, included and respected
In my workplace, we each take ownership of our responsibilities and embrace new projects as opportunities
I recognise and appreciate the contributions of my team members on a regular basis
I receive and provide ongoing support, coaching and mentorship to enable us to achieve our individual and team goals
I promote a positive and supportive work environment that encourages teamwork and collaboration
I ensure regular performance review meetings are held to enable close alignment of expectations and performance
I lead a highly engaged, motivated and high performing team 

Question Title

* 7. Products and Services | Rate each area on a scale from 1 to 4 based on your current circumstances. 4 = fantastic/couldn't be better/totally happy with it/strongly agree/always; 1 = dismal/couldn't be worse/extremely unhappy with it/strongly disagree/never

  1 2 3 4
My team and I excel at identifying the needs and preferences of our customers
The pharmacy prioritises ongoing staff training, so the products, services and expertise we provide meet the needs of our customers' and their health and wellbeing
My team and I effectively communicate the value and benefits of our products and services to our customers
The pharmacy regularly evaluates the performance and profitability of our products and services to make data-informed decisions for improvement
The pharmacy assesses market trends and collaborate with suppliers and other professionals to source high-quality solutions to meet our customers' needs 
The pharmacy invests in technology and automation to streamline processes and enhance innovation & creativity, so we stay competitive within the market
The pharmacy systematically seeks customer feedback and use it to improve the quality of our products and services
The pharmacy fosters a person-centric culture, where delivering exceptional products and services is a top priority

Question Title

* 8. Prosperity | Rate each area on a scale from 1 to 4 based on your current circumstances. 4 = fantastic/couldn't be better/totally happy with it/strongly agree/always; 1 = dismal/couldn't be worse/extremely unhappy with it/strongly disagree/never

  1 2 3 4
Each staff member is continually up-skilling, so safe and effective delegation can occur, empowering each person to do their highest value work
Each staff member knows how their actions do/don't contribute to customer loyalty
Each staff member knows how the pharmacy defines and measures 'success', and understands the consequences of 'failure' for everyone
Each staff member takes personal pride in optimising team performance, and is fully accountable for making a positive contribution 
Each staff member knows how their actions do/don't contribute to the pharmacy's prosperity in terms of revenue, profit and wellbeing
Each staff member sets up boundaries and says no to activities or commitments that don't align with the team's highest value priorities
As a team, we care for each other and have each other's back.  We create prosperity together. 
Overall, the pharmacy is prosperous.  The business and staff are individually and collectively flourishing, thriving and successful, in health, wealth and happiness. 

Question Title

* 9. Having completed this reflection tool, which of the 6Ps are you seeing as your biggest area of strength?

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* 10. Having completed this reflection tool, which of the 6Ps are seeing as your biggest area of risk?

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* 11. What is one key learning or insight you have gained from completing this reflection tool?

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* 12. If you would you like to share deeper experience of your community pharmacy practice and/or of completing this survey, please include your contact details below.  If shared, your details would be received by Rachel Dungan, 'The Pharmacist Coach,' co-presenter of the 'The Value of Having a Positive Pharmacy Practice' CPD Session at the IPU National Pharmacy Conference.

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