County of San Diego Overdose Data to Action

CURES 2.0, Provider, and Health Systems: Needs Assessment Survey

Thank you for participating in this needs assessment survey for the County of San Diego Overdose Data to Action (OD2A) grant. The purpose of this survey is to identify access to and use of the CURES 2.0 database as well as perceptions on prescription drug use and prescribing among licensed health care providers in San Diego County.

This survey will take approximately 10 minutes of your time. Your responses will remain confidential and will be grouped with those of other respondents for reporting.
Survey Questions
1.Primary specialty or field:(Required.)
The following questions are on your use and access of CURES 2.0. Please select the response that best represents your level of use and perceptions of CURES 2.0 and its tools.
CURES 2.0 Access
Please select the response that best response regarding your access to CURES 2.0.
2.How do you access CURES 2.0?(Required.)
3.How often do you access CURES 2.0?(Required.)
4.How long have you been using CURES 2.0?(Required.)
CURES 2.0 Utilization
Please select the response that best represents the frequency of the following actions after using information found in CURES 2.0.
5.How many patients have you “dismissed” or terminated from your practice as a result of information found in CURES 2.0 in the last 12 months?(Required.)
6.How many patients have you reported/referred to a law enforcement agency as a result of information found in CURES 2.0 in the last 12 months?(Required.)
7.How many patients have you initiated or referred for treatment of a substance use disorder as a result of information found in CURES 2.0 in the last 12 months?(Required.)
8.What percent of the time did the information you obtained from CURES 2.0 alter your prescribing decision in the last 12 months?(Required.)
9.The following statements are related to the variety of functions within CURES 2.0. Please select a single response that specifies your level of understanding on the use of each feature.(Required.)
Extremely Well
Very Well
Somewhat Well 
Not Very Well
No Knowledge At All 
Peer-to-peer communication
Running patient activity reports
Managing user account
Search function
Search delegates
Patient-provider agreements (compacts)
Patient safety alerts
CURES 2.0 Perception
Please select the response that best represents your perception of CURES 2.0.
10.Please rate your level of agreement with each statement.(Required.)
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Not Applicable 
Do Not Know
I believe CURES 2.0 reduces drug abuse in San Diego
I believe CURES 2.0 reduces doctor shopping in San Diego
11.What are your reasons for checking CURES 2.0? (check all that apply)(Required.)
12.The following statements are related to the usefulness of CURES 2.0. Please select a single response that best represents your thoughts on the usefulness of CURES.(Required.)
Very Useful
Somewhat Useful
Not Useful
Helping manage patients with pain
Helping build trust with patients
Informing decisions to prescribe, dispense, or manage controlled substances
Identifying patients filling prescriptions from multiple doctors and/or pharmacies
Identifying patients who misuse or abuse controlled prescription drugs
13.What do you like most/least about CURES 2.0?(Required.)
14.How would you suggest improving CURES 2.0?(Required.)
15.The following statements are related to barriers surrounding the use of CURES 2.0. Please indicate the extent to which you agree to the following:(Required.)
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Not Applicable
Do Not Know
I have other problems that are more important than registering for CURES 2.0
I know how to go about registering for CURES 2.0
Every time I try to register for CURES 2.0, something goes wrong
Registering for CURES 2.0 takes little time
I do not have access to a computer or the internet where I practice
CURES 2.0 is not helpful
CURES 2.0 is not relevant to my practice
CURES 2.0 is not easy to use
I do not know how to use CURES 2.0
CURES 2.0 is checked by someone else in the office
I have limited or no access to CURES 2.0 while I practice
CURES 2.0 Training
16.What CURES 2.0 functions would you like further training on? (check all that apply)(Required.)
17.Overall, how would you rate CURES 2.0?(Required.)
Opioid/Substance Use Disorder and Overdose
The following questions are on prescription opioid misuse and opioid use disorder. Please select the response that best represents your perception about your patients and patients in San Diego at large.
Provider OUD/SUD, substance misuse and abuse perceptions
18.How concerned are you about prescription drug misuse and abuse among prescribed patients?(Required.)
19.Of San Diego patients who take controlled substances, what percent do you believe misuse or abuse them?(Required.)
20.Of San Diego patients who take controlled substances, what percent do you believe benefit from them?(Required.)
21.Of your patients taking controlled substances medications, what percent do you feel misuse or abuse them?(Required.)
22.Of your patients taking controlled substances medications, what percent do you feel benefit from them?(Required.)
23.Of your patients, what percent are chronic users of prescription opioids?(Required.)
Opioid/Substance Use Disorder and Overdose Treatment
24.Of your patients taking controlled substances medications, what percent were co-prescribed naloxone?(Required.)
25.The following statements are related to your decision to prescribe naloxone along with prescription opioids to your patients. Please select the single response that specifies your level of agreement with each statement.(Required.)
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Few of my patients are candidates for naloxone
Insurance coverage is a barrier to prescribing naloxone
I lack sufficient training/knowledge about opioid use disorder
I lack sufficient training/knowledge about how to prescribe naloxone
The pharmacies my patients use often do not stock naloxone
I am concerned about the risks related to prescribing naloxone
I am not interested in prescribing naloxone
26.What is your status with having an X waiver license to prescribe buprenorphine?(Required.)
27.What are the barriers to obtaining X waiver license? (check all that apply):(Required.)
28.How would you describe ease of access to treatment for OUD/SUD for your patients?(Required.)
29.The following statements are related to communication with other providers and agencies. Please rate your level of agreement with each statement.(Required.)
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Do Not Know
I have consulted with medical providers on patients who may have misused or abused opioids Diego
I have consulted with pharmacists on patients who may have misused or abused opioids
I feel comfortable consulting with medical providers on patients who may misuse and abuse opioids
I know when to contact law enforcement based on CURES 2.0
I know who to call if I need to contact law enforcement
I feel comfortable contacting law enforcement
I would like to know more about law enforcement processes regarding prescription drug abuse and misuse
I have counseled clients regarding substance abuse
I know who to refer clients to if I believe a client needs substance abuse counseling and treatment
I feel comfortable referring clients to substance abuse counseling and treatment
I would like to know more about substance abuse counseling and treatment services available in my region
Pain Management Treatment Decisions
30.Please select the response that best represents your level of confidence with each statement.(Required.)
Not at all confident
Not very confident
Somewhat confident
Very confident
Extremely confident
Assessing pain and deciding to initiate opioids for a patient
Determining the opioid dosage for an acute pain patient
Determining the opioid dosage for a chronic pain patient
Communicating with patients around realistic expectations of pain management, including risks vs. benefits, and exit strategies for pain medications, if necessary
Future Training
31.Would you like further training on…? (check all that apply)(Required.)
Please share your demographic information
34.Years in practice(Required.)