Solid Waste Recycling Survey

How are you recycling?

Properly collecting recyclables such as glass, plastics, cardboard, cartons, aluminum, and paper is important to reduce contamination in our waste streams. Knowing how to sort your recyclables helps make the recycling process better, safer, and more effective for recycling facilities. Let us know how you are recycling to better help us assist the community in our recycling efforts.  
1.Where do you live? (Required.)
2.Number of people in your household (enter a number)(Required.)
3.Does your household recycle?(Required.)
4.How often do you organize your trash? (Do you sort your trash into different bins for recycling, food waste i.e. organics recycling, and garbage?) '(Required.)
5.How would you rate the quality of recycling services in Hopkins? (Are you satisfied with how your recyclables are collected or managed?)(Required.)
6.Do you feel that your neighbors and community do a good job recycling?(Required.)
7.What materials do you typically recycle the most? Select all that apply.(Required.)
8.What do you find most confusing about recycling? (e.g., where different types of plastics go; how to recycle plastic bags; where to go for recycling electronics, batteries, paint, etc.) List your response(s) below:
9.What would you like to know more about recycling? Select all that apply.(Required.)
10.What would encourage you to recycle or improve your recycling practices in your household? (e.g., more recycling education events or programs for residents, etc)
11.What would make public recycling in Hopkins easier? Select all that apply. (Required.)
12.Where do you look for information about recycling in Hopkins?(Required.)
13.What would be your preferred method of receiving information about recycling?(Required.)
14.What other comments would you like to share about solid waste recycling?