Get Matched with a Buddy!

The PH Buddy Program matches you with someone from the PH community, a 'peer' who can understand what you are going through. Your 'buddy' can support you via email, phone or even in person. This program is for patients, caregivers and any friend or family member affected by PH.

Tell us a little about yourself, and you will be matched with a knowledgeable and experienced buddy who can help you navigate your PH diagnosis.

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* 1. First Name:

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* 2. Last Name:

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* 3. Email Address:

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* 4. Home Address

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* 5. Gender:

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* 6. What is your age?

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* 7. Are you a:

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* 8. What type of PH have you/your care partner been diagnosed with?

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* 9. In what year were you or your loved one diagnosed with PH?

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* 10. What is your preferred way of connecting with your PH Buddy? (select all that apply)

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* 11. What is most important to you when being matched with a 'Buddy' (please select all that apply)

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* 12. Please tell us any other information that you think is important in helping us match you with your buddy.

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* 13. Do you want to receive emails on PH resources and news from PHA Canada?

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* 14. Do you want to receive our printed Connections magazine twice a year?