2024 Digital Education Programming

The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Digital Education Survey

To provide meaningful educational experiences for both learners and educators, we rely on your feedback.
Please take a moment to complete the survey below.
1.Are you a Teacher/Educator in Canada?(Required.)
2.If Yes, where are you located in Canada? If No, please select Not Applicable(Required.)
3.Did you use this digital educational content in your classroom?(Required.)
4.Which videos/activities did you engage with, or show to your class?(Required.)
5.If Yes, how many students participated in the activity/viewed the content? (If not applicable, please type N/A)(Required.)
6.If yes, what grade(s) did you present this digital content/activity to? (If not applicable, please type N/A)(Required.)
7.Please provide details you would like to share (schoolboard, subject, etc.):
8.How relevant was the digital education content to you or your class?(Required.)
Not at all relevant
Somewhat relevant
Very relevant
Extremely relevant
9.How would you rate the digital educational content offered by The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair?(Required.)
10.How likely are you to engage with other digital education content from The Royal, including presenting it to your class?(Required.)
Very unlikely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Very likely
11.How likely are you to recommend digital education content from The Royal to other educators?(Required.)
Very unlikely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Very likely
12.Based on your ratings, can you provide feedback?
13.What kind of digital educational content/experience would you like to see more of? Please include any agriculture/food-related topics or subjects you’d like to see The Royal to cover.
14.Have you attended The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair's live event?(Required.)
15.How likely would you bring a class to The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in future?(Required.)
Very unlikely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Very likely
16.Were there any previous videos/activities that you particularly liked?
17.Did you know there is a Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Education e-newsletter to keep updated with education events and features from The Royal and Royal education partners?(Required.)
18.How did you hear about The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair's Digital Education Content? (Select all that apply)(Required.)
19.We welcome any additional comments or feedback.
Thank you for your feedback.
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We thank you for your insights, and look forward to fostering meaningful educational experiences for another century to come!
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