Burrito Week 2023 Feedback Question Title * 1. How many burritos did you eat during burrito week? 1-3 4-6 7-10 10+ (tell us how many you got!) Question Title * 2. Did you try any new-to-you restaurants this year because of Burrito Week? Yes No If yes, which restaurant(s)? Question Title * 3. Which burrito was your favorite? Question Title * 4. Would you participate in Burrito Week again next year? Yes No If not, please explain why. Question Title * 5. How did you hear about Burrito Week? In a printed copy of the Santa Barbara Independent Online at independent.com Indy Today Newsletter Extra! Newsletter Santa Barbara Independent's Social Media From a participating restaurant From a friend Other If other, please specify. Question Title * 6. How can we make the experience of Burrito Week better for our readers? Question Title * 7. If the Santa Barbara Independent were to host another "week" which food or drink themes would you like to see? Question Title * 8. Overall, how would you rate your Burrito Week experience? Not so great Top-notch! Not so great Top-notch! Question Title * 9. Is there anything else you would like to share with us? (Specific experiences, additional feedback, etc.) Question Title * 10. What's your name? Question Title * 11. What's your email? Done