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* 1. My Name is Tatianna Johnson, and I am a Clinical Psychology Graduate Student at National Louis University, working on my Clinical Research Project (CRP). I am asking you to participate in this study, called An in-depth look into the relationship between African American fathers’ Childhood Experiences and their parenting style. This study will help researchers develop a deeper understanding of parenting that can guide clinical practice and contribute to the body of coaching literature. This information outlines the purpose of the study and provides a description of your involvement and rights as a participant.

By clicking below, you are providing consent to participate in a research project under the guidance of Dr. Emese Vitalis, Dissertation Chair at National Louis University, Chicago.

Please understand that the purpose of the study is to determine if there is a correlation between African American fathers’ childhood experiences and their parenting style.

One survey questionnaire will be provided to each participant who qualifies. The study will occur during the Summer, Fall, and Winter of the 2023-2024 academic year.

The questionnaire will last no more than twenty minutes and include approximately 64 questions.

Your participation is voluntary, and you can discontinue at any time without penalty or bias. The result of this study may be published or otherwise reported at conferences. Still, your identity will not be revealed (data will be collected anonymously and bear no identifiers that could connect data to individual participants). To ensure confidentiality of the data, the researcher will secure all data collected, including all responses from surveys and informed consent, on an encrypted external hard drive in a locked cabinet in her home office. Only Tatianna Johnson and her chair, Emese Vitalis, Ph.D. will have access to data.

There are no anticipated risks or benefits more significant than those encountered daily. However, should you experience psychological discomfort, please utilize the following resources that can provide you with confidential support: Black Emotional and Mental Health Collectives (BEAM) Blackline – (800) 604-5841 or National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988.

The information gained from this study could be helpful to professionals in the mental health field interested in understanding the relationship between African American fathers and their parenting styles. Upon request, you may receive summary results from this study and copies of any publications that may occur.

Please email the researcher, Tatianna Johnson, to request results from this study.
In the event that you have or require additional information, please contact the researcher,

If you have any concerns or questions before or during the participation that have not been addressed by the researcher, you may contact the research chair: Dr. Emese Vitalis (312) 261-3114, the co-chair of NLU’s Institutional Research Board: Dr. Shaunti Knauth;; phone: (312) 261-3526 or Dr. Carla L. Sparks; email:; phone (813)261-3526. Co-Chairs are located at National Louis University, 122 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL.

Consent: I understand that by checking “Agree” below, I am agreeing to participate in the study, “An in-depth look into the relationship between African American fathers’ Childhood Experiences and their parenting style ". My participation will consist of the activities below during the 2023-2024-time period. Completion of an online survey takes approximately one hour or less to complete.
ELECTRONIC CONSENT: Please select your choice below. You may print a copy of this consent form for your records. Clicking on the "Agree" button indicates that you have read the above information, voluntarily agree to participate.&a

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* 2. What is your gender identity?

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* 3. What is your age

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* 4. Where do you live?

City, State

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* 5. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

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* 6. What is your marital status?

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* 7. What is your employment status?

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* 8. What is your annual income?

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* 9. How many children do you have?

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* 10. How old are they?

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* 11. Do you live with your children?

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* 12. If you don’t live with your children, how often you see them?

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* 13. Do you participate in making decisions about your children’s everyday life?

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* 14. If you would like to be entered into the drawing for one of four gift cards please enter your email address