Question Title

* 1. Please describe your top moments (up to 3) on the CommUNITY Trip.

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* 2. One a scale of 1 – 10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), how likely would you be to recommend a Federation mission to your friends?

1 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 3. How many prior missions have you been on with Federation?

Question Title

* 4. Your connection and learning about Israel: 

Question Title

* 5. To what extent, if at all, did the CommUNITY Trip impact your sense of connection to Federations work in Israel?

Question Title

* 6. As a result of this trip:

Question Title

* 7. The Federation’s work in Israel parallels our work in San Diego. Are you interested in learning more or becoming involved in our work in (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 8. Which of the following travel experiences would you or someone you know be interested in? (Check all that apply)

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* 9. Is there anything else you’d like to share about the experience or anything else you’d like us to know?

Question Title

* 10. What is your name?

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100% of survey complete.