MREA 2016 Annual Conference: Call for Presenters |
1. Information About Your Presentation
Our 2016 Annual Conference theme is "Making Teaching Matter." We're looking for teaching profession and rural education presentations that will:
◾enhance the knowledge, skills and abilities of those working in rural education
◾impart new information
◾share promising strategies, tools and best practices
◾increase cultural competency
◾demonstrate innovative ideas and solutions and what's possible
◾challenge the experienced educational professional
Proposals are due Friday, May 27 by midnight. Proposals will be reviewed by the Conference Committee and presenters will be notified in June.
◾enhance the knowledge, skills and abilities of those working in rural education
◾impart new information
◾share promising strategies, tools and best practices
◾increase cultural competency
◾demonstrate innovative ideas and solutions and what's possible
◾challenge the experienced educational professional
Proposals are due Friday, May 27 by midnight. Proposals will be reviewed by the Conference Committee and presenters will be notified in June.