Paoli Business & Professional Association
Member Feedback
Are you a current PBPA?
No- I am going to renew
No- I don't plan to renew
Which of the following member benefits have you taken advantage of? (Click all that apply)
Attended a Networking Event
Submitted promotional material to be included on PBPA website/social media
Have attended an Annual Meeting
Joined a virtual or in-person PBPA-hosted business seminar (i.e LinkedIn, Branding, AI for business, etc.)
Volunteered on a PBPA committee
Have a sign with your business name & logo hanging on Lancaster Ave
Other event/advantage no longer offered
None of the above
If you answered "None of the Above" to the previous question, which of the following best describes your reasoning if applicable?
Didn't see the value
Inconvenient (i.e. timing/place of event)
I didn't know that was available or offered by PBPA
Other (please specify)
Would you be interested in hosting one of our monthly events and/or serving on a PBPA comittee?
Yes- Only hosting an Event at my place of business
Yes- Only serving on a PBPA committee
Finally, what would you like to see PBPA offer to you as a member?