AAP California Chapter 1 (AAPCA1) is excited to offer its members the opportunity to apply for a chapter microgrant. The Care & Connect Microgrant Project, offers microgrants valued at up to $2,000 (no amount is too small).

The Care & Connect Microgrant Project, offers microgrants valued at up to $2,000 (no amount is too small) which can be utilized in one of two impactful ways:
Child Health Care: The first option supports innovative community-based child health initiatives. These projects should focus on providing access to services that lead to optimal child health and well-being, building strong community partnerships, and have measurable outcomes. This is a unique opportunity to implement creative solutions that address health disparities and enhance the lives of children in underserved communities.
Member Connect: The second option for microgrant use is to host member gatherings and meetings within your local area. Whether it's organizing a coffee networking event, hosting a coffee meet-up, or creating other networking and meeting opportunities, these gatherings aim to strengthen the connections among pediatricians and pediatric residents. Such events foster collaboration, share best practices, and build a supportive professional community and increase member engagement.

Along with the grant, you will have the full support of our AAPCA1 staff to carry out your grant goals. We encourage all members to take advantage of this chance to either drive community health improvements or enhance pediatric connections!

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the following information:

Please read the following criteria's carefully.

Child Health Care criteria: Project Lead(s): Must be an active member(s) of AAPCA1. Target Population and Services: Focus on providing access to essential health services, including preventive care, education, and wellness programs for underserved children experiencing health disparities. Measurable Outcomes: Clear plan for evaluating the project's impact, including specific metrics and methods for assessment. Budget: Clear and detailed budget plan outlining the use of the grant funds. (At this time funds cannot be used to pay project leads) Outcomes: Description for evaluating the project's impact, including specific metrics and methods for assessment.

Member connect criteria: Project Lead(s): Must be an active member(s) of AAPCA1. Event Participation: Must be open to local pediatricians, pediatric trainees, pediatric care providers. Budget: Clear and detailed budget plan outlining the use of the grant funds. (At this time funds cannot be used to pay project leads)

Question Title

* 2. Project Information

Please select which application are you applying for:

Question Title

* 3. Project Title:

Question Title

* 4. Project Description:

Question Title

* 5. Objectives:

Question Title

* 6. Budget: Total Amount Requested: (Range available $5-$2,000)

Question Title

* 7. Upload your project budget. See below for an example.

Submit the completed table above in PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF format. If you are having trouble uploading your budget or coming up with one, please email us at info@aapca1.org.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Below is an example of how you can format a table that outlines the cost per unit, justification, budget and total amount. Please submit this table as a PDF, JPEG, etc in the attachments section.

Line Item Cost per units, hour, items # of units, hour, items Justification Budget*

Question Title

* 8. If selected, we would love to share the project leads picture and background on our website, newsletter, and social media.

Attach project lead(s) biography and portrait photo in PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF formats. If you are unable to submit this information at this time, it will not affect your application. If needed, we will reach out individually.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File
Having Trouble Submitting?
If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please email the documents to info@aapca1.org or if you have any questions or concerns, thank you!