2025 MIRA Undergraduate Research Fellowship Application Form |
1. Applicant information
The McMaster Institute for Research on Aging (MIRA) will fund up to six summer Fellowships at a value of $2,000 each for undergraduate students working with MIRA researchers between May and August 2025.
MIRA supports research that develops and leverages interdisciplinary connections across the University and has the potential to benefit end users, including older adults, their caregivers, and other stakeholders. Researchers and students from across all six Faculties at McMaster are encouraged to incorporate principles of design thinking into their proposal for a summer research project that advances and explores a topic in aging. Students submitting proposals to work on existing MIRA- or LCMA-funded projects must include details on how their proposed work will complement or enhance the funded project. The application should be jointly completed and submitted by the student and supervisor.
USRF funding is paid out to the supervisor at the end of the summer. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to pay the student’s wages during the Fellowship. Accumulated wages for the summer position must be equal to, or greater than the value of the USRF funding.
- The student must be supervised by a member of MIRA*
- The student must be a full- or part-time undergraduate student registered for courses in the fall semester of 2025
- External candidates who have a MIRA supervisor may be given consideration, however, McMaster candidates will be given priority
- MIRA supervisors are encouraged to provide additional cash or in-kind support for the student and describe this support in the application
*Potential supervisors can request MIRA membership by emailing mirainfo@mcmaster.ca
Expectations and deliverables
All scholarship recipients are expected to actively participate in MIRA activities and trainee events, including delivering a poster at the annual MIRA & Labarge Knowledge Exchange. Recipients will be required to submit a final report to MIRA.
Expectations and deliverables
All scholarship recipients are expected to actively participate in MIRA activities and trainee events, including delivering a poster at the annual MIRA & Labarge Knowledge Exchange. Recipients will be required to submit a final report to MIRA.
Other requirements and notes
- Students may undertake a full- or part-time summer research project between May and August 2025 providing the total amount paid to the student is equal to or exceeds the value of this award.
- Students and supervisors are encouraged to seek and demonstrate additional support for the fellowship, including but not limited to: additional student awards, cash support from supervisory grants or other funding, departmental or faculty-level support, in-kind contributions such as lab materials, software licences, etc.
- MIRA funding is intended to support the student’s wages; research costs must be supported by the supervisor and should be described in the application.
- At the end of the fellowship, recipients will be asked to submit a short summary of the progress made on the proposed project, as well as an indication of the future work necessary to complete the work.
- During the fellowship, recipients are expected to join the MIRA Trainee Network, participate in the Network’s activities.
- Fellowship recipients are expected to present a poster at the MIRA and Labarge Knowledge Exchange in the 2025/26 academic year.
Please read the instructions carefully and do not leave any questions blank.
If you encounter difficulties completing this form, email: mirafund@mcmaster.ca