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Royal Berkshire Fire Authority (RBFA) is consulting Royal Berkshire residents and staff on Council Tax funding for the next financial year until 12 noon on 31 January 2025.

RBFA is committed to delivering value for money across the services provided to local residents. However, due to significant budgetary pressure as outlined in this letter, to maintain the current level of service RBFA is proposing a £5 increase for 2025/2026, based on a Band D precept, to £86.31.

This survey is anonymous. You will not be asked for any information that will identify you personally, such as your name or address. We will not collect the IP address of your computer.

There is a chance that for a small number of people some of your responses might allow you to be identified, for example, if you are a member of RBFRS staff and from an underrepresented group, or if your text responses include details about yourself or your experiences.

We will only process this data for the purpose of assessing the public response to our proposals. All survey responses will be kept on secure IT systems at RBFRS and Survey Monkey servers (see below for more information) and will only be accessed by the team managing the consultation. When we analyse and report on the responses we have received, we will ensure no individual can be identified in any reports.

You are not obliged to provide any personal information or to complete the demographic questions.

You can find further information about how we will use any personal information you provide to us in our Privacy Notice.

Question Title

* 1. In order to continue, you must confirm that you agree with the conditions above.

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