EMPHN is not notified of your registration for PIP QI by the Department of Health. To notify EMPHN that you have registered for the PIP QI, please complete the details below.

Question Title

* 1. Practice name

Question Title

* 2. Practice address

Question Title

* 3. Practice software - Clinical

Question Title

* 4. Practice software - Billing

Question Title

* 5. PIP ID Number

Question Title

* 6. Will your practice be participating in the PIP QI?

Question Title

* 7. Have you registered for the PIP QI via HPOS?

Question Title

* 8. What tool do you intend to use to extract your PIP QI eligible data set?
The PIP QI eligible data set is defined in the Practice Incentives Program Eligible Data Set Data Governance Framework.

Question Title

* 9. How do you intend to submit the PIP QI eligible data set to EMPHN? 
For practices using POLAR, submission will occur automatically. For all other methods, EMPHN is currently working on a secure method for practices to submit data.  This will be communicated when confirmed.  

Question Title

* 10. Practice key contact for PIP QI