Roanoke Tree Survey

1.Are you aware that Roanoke City has its own Urban Forestry program that cares for trees along streets and in parks?
2.What do you do in Roanoke City? Check all that apply.
3.Roanoke City has enough trees.
4.Your neighborhood has enough trees.
5.Please list your neighborhood if it is in Roanoke City. Please leave the box empty if you do not live in Roanoke City.
6.Your street has enough trees.
7.Please list your street if it is in Roanoke City. Please leave the box empty if you do not live in Roanoke City.
8.How do you think green infrastructure care and maintenance should be funded? Check all that apply.
9.Have you heard of the Commemorative Tree Program and where did you hear of it? If yes, check all that apply.
10.Have you heard of the Roanoke Tree Stewards? If yes, where did you hear of them? Check all that apply.
11.Where on City property do you think more trees should be planted? Check all that apply.