HATC 2013 Wage & Benefit Survey

The HATC Wage & Benefit Survey is one of your most valuable membership benefits. Only member hotels that complete this survey correctly and in its entirety (dashes, spaces, etc., do not constitute an answer) will receive a FREE copy of the published results. These results will provide you with wage information for Tarrant County and some specific geographic areas within the DFW Metroplex.

To complete the survey, you will need a list of the positions in your hotel that are paid an hourly wage, with the starting wage, wage after 90 days, and average wage for each position. If you have more than one level of employee in a category, use the level with the lowest starting wage. If a category is listed where you currently have no employees but have had in the past or plan to have in future, please enter the minimum starting wage for that position. Remember, your responses should be for HOURLY EMPLOYEE WAGES ONLY.

Completed surveys must be received by August 16, 2013.

Question Title

* 1. Your hotel:

Question Title

* 2. Name of Person Completing This Survey:

Question Title

* 3. Type of Property:

Question Title

* 4. Number of Rooms:

Question Title

* 5. Do you have hotel security?

Question Title

* 6. Do you:

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* 7. On what shifts are they employed?

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* 8. Do you use a drug screening program at your hotel?

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* 9. Which type(s)?

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* 10. Do you conduct employee background checks?

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* 11. On whom do you conduct background checks?

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* 12. How often are employees eligible for pay increases?

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* 13. What is the basis for wage increases?

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* 14. How do you measure merit/incentive pay plans?

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* 15. What was the PERCENTAGE increase for 2013 wages? Please specify as a whole number (no decimals), such as 3% or 15%.

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* 16. What is the projected PERCENTAGE increase in wages for 2014? Please specify as whole number (no decimals), such as 3% or 15%.

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* 17. What is the waiting period (in days) for new employee benefits eligibility? Please specify as a number, such as 30, not thirty days or 1 month.

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* 18. Do you pay employee shift differentials?

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* 19. How much per hour? Please specify as a number (no dollar signs), such as .50 or 1.50.

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* 20. Are employees provided meals?

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* 21. What is the cost per meal to the employee? Please specify as a number (no dollar signs), such as .50 or 1.50.

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* 22. Do you offer a "bonus" program for housekeepers to buy rooms in addition to the number they are expected to clean in their usual shift?

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* 23. What is the per room compensation for these bought rooms? Please specify as a number (no dollar signs), such as .50 or 1.50.

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* 24. What PERCENTAGE of employee medical premiums are paid by the EMPLOYER? Please specify as whole number (no decimals), such as 10% or 20%.

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* 25. Which of the following holidays are paid holidays for employees? Check all that apply.