Professor Susan Harris Rimmer is conducting a Independent Review of the Human Rights Act 2019.

You can have your say by completing this survey.

Who is this survey for?
This survey is for people who have had personal experience with the Human Rights Act and want to tell us about this experience.

Personal experience related to the operation of the Act could include:
  • Experienced a contravention of human rights
  • Making a complaint to a department
  • Making a complaint to the Human Rights Commission
  • Seeking a remedy from a court or a tribunal

About this survey
We will first ask you some demographic questions and then ask about your personal experience with the Human Rights Act.
  • All answers are anonymous.
  • You do not need to answer every question.
  • The survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete.

Your information
The information you provide in this survey will be used by the review team to understand how the Human Rights Act can be improved. It may be drawn upon, quoted or referred to in the public report and other resources produced by the review team in connection with the review

Other opportunities to participate
You can participate in the review in additional ways. See the Review website for information about our submissions process and public consultations.