The EMPOWER Workplace Charging project is funded by the US Department of Energy. Its goal is to provide up to $2,000 of free technical assistance to employers interested in installing workplace electric vehicle charging. Tulsa Area Clean Cities, a DOE-designated Clean Cities Coalition with over 25 years of sustainable transportation experience, is leading the project in Eastern Oklahoma, and can provide free technical assistance for up to 15 workplaces in the state. 
Are you an employer or employee interested in assistance with installing EV charging at your place of work? If so, please fill out the brief form below and our implementation experts will get in touch with you!
EMPOWER Workplace Charging can provide:
  • Site planning and assistance with assessing feasibility of charging at your workplace
  • Connections to local power companies, electric vehicle charging providers and installers, certified charging technicians and electricians, and other experts
  • Information about funding opportunities and incentives that may help offset the cost of installing workplace charging
  • Assistance with employee education, charging use policy development, station signage, and other areas of implementation
  • Statewide publicity and promotion of your efforts to promote corporate sustainability
Your Information

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Email Address

Question Title

* 3. Phone Number

Question Title

* 4. Job Title

Question Title

* 5. I am an...

Your Workplace Information

Question Title

* 6. Workplace Name

Question Title

* 7. Workplace Address

Question Title

* 8. Workplace Website

Question Title

* 9. # of Employees

Question Title

* 10. Description of Workplace

If you know the contact information of the person who is best suited to make plans for charging infrastructure at your workplace, please enter it below:

Question Title

* 11. Name

Question Title

* 12. Job Title

Question Title

* 13. Email

Question Title

* 14. Phone