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* 1. When did you last visit the Holmes County General Health District?


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* 2. What type of interaction did you have with the Holmes County General Health District?

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* 3. What service or program did you utilize?

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* 4. What was your overall satisfaction with the service you received?

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* 5. Based on your service experience with the Holmes County Health District, please rate your level of agreement with the following statements:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree N/A
The staff was polite and friendly
The information I received was clear and understandable
I trust the Holmes County Health District
I understand the value of the Holmes County Health District and its services
The HCGHD does a good job educating people about health issues
The HCGHD does a good job communicating with the public to promote its programs and services
The HCGHD understands the community and its needs

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* 6. If you disagreed or strongly disagreed with any of the statements above, please explain why.

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* 7. Do you have any feedback on how we can serve you better?

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* 8. Was there someone at the health department who provided you with excellent service?

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* 9. Please provide any other comments or feedback about your experience.