Please answer the following questions to help NPF gain a better understanding of how much information you gained from the Medicare 2025 Changes Town Hall as well as what topics would be helpful to you in the future.

Question Title

* 1. After viewing the Medicare 2025 Changes Town Hall discussion, on a scale of 1 to 5, how comfortable are you in your knowledge of the changes affecting Medicare in 2025? (move the circle until the number you want appears in the box to the right)

1 (not very) 3 5 (very knowledgeable)
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 2. What information from the Town Hall was most useful to you?

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* 3. Did this Town Hall discussion answer your questions and help you feel better prepared to complete the Medicare open enrollment period ending December 7, 2024?

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* 4. If you answered "No" to the previous question, why not?

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* 5. What topics would be of interest to you for future webinars?