With this survey, the EPA Committee on Ethical Issues would like to collect information from inpatient treatment settings of individual wards in psychiatric hospitals Europe-wide on the following topics:
  • Experiences and practices addressing ethical conflicts and malpractice from the personal perspective of health care workers in these settings
  • Identification and engagement with violence
  • Measures for the reduction of restraints and coercion (violation of the autonomy of patients)
It should take you about 10 minutes to complete.
Thank you!
For any question, please contact: meryam.schouler-ocak@charite.de

Question Title

* 1. City and country

Question Title

* 2. Gender

Question Title

* 3. Age

Question Title

* 4. What type of psychiatric hospital/facility do you work in?
(We would especially like to encourage staff from closed individual wards to participate in this survey)

Question Title

* 5. How long have you been working in this unit?

Question Title

* 6. Years in profession:

Question Title

* 7. Position in the profession: