Survey purpose: to gather feedback from partners and community about how to use federal housing funds allocated to MaineHousing and Maine's Department of Economic and Community Development.
Use of information: the survey response will help shape the 2025 – 2029 Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development and provide a broader understanding of Maine’s housing challenges.

Question Title

* 1. Enter your current, or most recent, residential zip code.

Question Title

* 2. What do you think is most needed for the healthy development of your city/town and community? (select up to three options)

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* 3. Regarding public infrastructure, community services and resources, and economic development in your community, which of the following is most accurate in your opinion? (select one option)

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* 4. Regarding public infrastructure, which of the following are most needed in your community? (select up to three options)

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* 5. Regarding community services and resources, which of the following are most needed in your community? (select up to three options)

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* 6. Regarding economic development, which of the following are most needed in your community? (select up to three options)

Question Title

* 7. Regarding housing priorities, which of the following do you think is most important? (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 8. Regarding housing priorities, how much priority do you think should be given to creating more supportive housing options for those with special needs?

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* 9. To address homelessness in Maine, which of the following do you think should be the greater proirity?

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* 10. To address homelessness in Maine, which of the following do you think is most important in your community? (select all that apply)

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* 11. Which of the following describes your experience with homelessness? (select all that apply)