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* 1. Please rate the overall value of the conference

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* 2. Please rate the value of this presentation: MSD Claim Data - History and Trends (Workplace Safety and Insurance Board)

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* 3. Please rate the value of this presentation: Ergonomics and Workplace Health - Whatever Happened to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? (Dr. David Rempel, University of California Berkeley, San Francisco)

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* 4. Please rate the value of this presentation: The Intersection Between Practice and Ergonomic Regulations (Breca Tschida, Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry)

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* 5. Please rate the value of this presentation: The Economics of Ergonomics (Allison Stephens, Fanshawe College)

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* 6. Please rate the value of this presentation: Tackling it Together: Integrated Strategies for Mental Health and MSD in the Workplace (Dr. Jodi Oakman, La Trobe University)

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* 7. Please rate the value of the panel session: Future Directions of MSD Prevention - Health and Safety System Leadership Panel

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* 8. Did you learn something that you can apply directly to your workplace or in your work as a result of participating in this conference?

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* 9. May we contact you for further information about how you applied what you learned at this conference?

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* 10. Have you visited the newly redeveloped MSD Prevention Guideline website (

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* 11. What else would you like to tell us or suggest for future conferences or anything else?