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Cultural Community Participation Survey

Question Title

Ulster County is initiating a year-long effort to develop a first-ever, County-led Ulster County Arts and Culture Plan to offer a shared vision for arts and culture in the county and recommend strategies to promote and expand access to arts and cultural events, programs, and initiatives. The Plan will establish priorities that support the arts and culture sector while fostering a strong sense of community among Ulster County residents. ​​

Your ​experience and ideas are ​​​​critical to the success of ​this process and will shape the strategies to better serve Ulster County's creative individuals, communities, and businesses.

​​The survey contains three main sections: Attendance at Arts and Cultural Events, Questions about Creative Practice, and an optional Demographic Information section. We also have an “open mic” question for you to provide comments about anything we did not ask. It ​​​should take approximately 7-9 minutes to complete.

If you fully complete the survey and enter your ​name and ​email address​ at the end​, ​your name will be entered into a drawing to receive a special prize.​ Among the prizes are event tickets, gift certificates, and organization memberships.

The survey will be open for responses until August 31, 2024. All responses will be kept confidential.

​​​​Thank you for your help in developing our Plan!​​​​

Esta encuesta también está disponible en español. Puede acceder a la versión en español utilizando el menú desplegable situado en la esquina derecha de esta página.
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