This survey is being conducted by the FSC Board to learn more about the opinions of our members and guests

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* 1. Fitchburg Serenity Club (FSC) provides me with a great range of recovery meetings

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* 2. I feel safe at FSC

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* 3. I have friends at FSC

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* 4. I get the appropriate frequency of communication from FSC

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* 5. FSC is a significant part of my personal recovery program

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* 6. People in Madison and Dane County who are looking for 12-step recovery have a high level of awareness of FSC and its services

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* 7. I am aware of FSC-sponsored events such as the annual summer picnic and Thanksgiving dinner

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* 8. If you could change one thing about FSC what would it be?

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* 9. What can FSC do better to help you with your recovery?

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* 10. What can FSC do better to help more people in our community?