2019 Beach Survey

Narragansett Town Beach 2019 Survey 

Question Title

* 1. Are you a Resident/Taxpayer of Narragansett or a Non-Resident?

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* 2. Was the staff courteous?

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* 3. Was the staff knowledgeable?

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* 4. How was the customer service at the Sales Office?

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* 5. How clean is Narragansett Beach?

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* 6. How clean were the restrooms?

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* 7. How was your experience with the concession stand?

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* 8. How frequently have you visited Narragansett Beach?

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* 9. How was your overall experience at Narragansett Beach?

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* 10. Do you have any other comments on Narragansett Beach?

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* 11. How likely is it that you would recommend Narragansett Town Beach to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

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* 12. Did you find information regarding the beach on Facebook or Twitter useful this season?