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* 1. What do you think is the most important value or mission of Soroptimist International of Europe?

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* 2. How would you like Soroptimist International of Europe to be perceived by the general public? When people talk about us, which words or expressions should they use to describe us? Please list up to 3 words or phrases.

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* 3. What makes Soroptimist International of Europe unique compared to other NGOs or women’s organisations?

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* 4. Which words or expressions should NOT be used to describe Soroptimist International of Europe? Please list up to 3 words or phrases.

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* 5. What kind of tone or voice should Soroptimist International of Europe use when communicating with the public? (e.g., professional, friendly, empowering, inspiring). Please list up to 3 words or phrases.

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* 6. What do you feel is the most rewarding aspect of being a Soroptimist member? Please list up to 3 words or phrases.

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* 7. How can we make Soroptimist International of Europe’s identity more engaging for our members and supporters?

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* 8. Do you have any other suggestions for the Task Force as we work on defining our identity?