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* 1. Have you attended Doors Open Milwaukee before?

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* 2. How many total sites did you visit?

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* 3. Did you visit a site in a neighborhood you were unfamiliar with before Doors Open? 

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* 4. (SKIP if you answered NO in #3) Has your opinion of this neighborhood improved as a result of the Doors Open tour?

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* 5. (SKIP if you answered NO in #3) How likely to visit this location again?

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* 6. Did you take a Historic Milwaukee App tour? Download the Historic Milwaukee app to take free neighborhood tours available for Android and Apple devices.

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* 7. Do you agree with this statement? "Attending Doors Open made me feel proud to be a Milwaukeean."

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* 8. How would you rate Doors Open overall?

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* 9. What is your zip code?

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* 10. Please indicate your gender

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* 11. Age

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* 12. Which of the following backgrounds/ethnicities do you identify with? Check all that apply

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* 13. What is your approximate household income?

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* 14. Where do you live?

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* 15. How did you hear about Doors Open Milwaukee? Please choose all that apply.

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* 16. Tell us what you enjoyed during Doors Open (share specific buildings/elaborate on positive experiences and observations):

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* 17. Share additional comments about your experience here:

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* 18. Provide your email address to be added to Historic Milwaukee's email list - this is the best way to receive information about Doors Open and other Historic Milwaukee programming year round.