We have an important announcement to share regarding our school’s accreditation process. The Cognia Accreditation visit is scheduled for February 18 till 23, 2024. Therefore, the whole school staff will be involved in the accreditation process, and teams will be formed that include all the staff who will work collectively to address the accreditation requirements. Accordingly, each staff member is kindly asked to sign up and register for one or more of the listed standards where each of these standards is lead by one of the SLT or MLT members.

Question Title

* 1. Teacher Name:

Question Title

* 2. Subject Name or Course Title

Question Title

* 3. Teacher ID#

Question Title

* 4. Mrs.Hadia Ghannam

Question Title

* 5. Mrs. Ghada Aridi

Question Title


Question Title

* 7. Mrs.Natalie Karayan

Question Title

* 8. Mrs. Maria Abou. Obeid

Question Title

* 9. Mr. Abdallah Hareb

Question Title

* 10. Virginia Sharma

Question Title

* 11. Carolina Massoud

Question Title

* 12. Alexine Profice

Question Title

* 13. Mr. Salam Atwi

Question Title

* 14. Mary Boursalen