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We very much appreciate that you are taking the time to fill out our survey on how best to make Mayo a great place in which to grow old’ over the next 5 years. Completion of this survey will take 20 minutes.

All information you give is confidential and anonymised and will only be used for the purposes of preparing our new Age Friendly Strategy for County Mayo. You will not be recognised from the subsequent strategy and all answers provided will be combined with those of others.
Please note: Questions 1 - 5 require answers so that we can ensure that we have a good sample of people’s opinion from a range of age groups, geographical areas etc. 
You do not have to answer all of the other questions – only the questions that you feel comfortable in answering.

If you need any help with filling out the questionnaire feel free to text or call:  087 134 9778 or email and we will be happy to help you.

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* 1. What is your gender?

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* 2. Which age group do you belong to?

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* 3. Do you currently live: (Please select one)

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* 4. In which of the following do you live? (Please select only one)

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* 5. Which municipal area of County Mayo do you live?

(Please select only one)

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* 6. Do you take part in any of the following activities in your area? (Please select all that are relevant to you)

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* 7. If you don’t already, would you be interested in participating in any of the groups below? (Please select all that are relevant to you)

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* 8. If none of the above, what would be the main reasons for you not to be able / not interested in joining a group / activity in your area? (Please select all that are relevant to you)

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* 9. Would you like if there were more activities and events for people your age in your area?

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* 10. What type of events or activities would you like to attend?

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* 11. Do you currently volunteer in your community?

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* 12. If Yes, what kind of volunteering do you do? (e.g. work in a charity shop, help in healthcare settings, work on a telephone helpline, work with young people etc.)

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* 13. If not, would you consider volunteering in your community in the future?

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* 14. Do you care for another person?

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* 15. Which of the following do you use to hear about what's on and what's happening in your area? Please select 3 options from the list below of the sources of information that you would most likely use:

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* 16. Which of the following support services would you most likely use for information or had questions on your rights and entitlements?

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* 17. Do you have access to the internet in your home?

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* 18. In a typical month, what do you most often use the internet for?

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* 19. Which of the following do you use? (You can select more than one or complete more detail on the 'other' line)

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* 20. Which of the following devices do you use to connect to the internet?

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* 21. Where do you mostly access the internet? Please select the location(s) where you mostly access the internet below

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* 22. If Not, would you like to give a reason(s) you do not use technology:

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* 23. If you were to move to different accommodation in the future, what would be the most important factors for you to consider? Please select from options below:

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* 24. Do you feel that there is enough information available to you about grants for environmental (e.g. solar panel etc.), or structural changes to your home as you grow older (e.g. improve access to your home such as ramps etc.)?

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* 25. How would you rate the opportunities to access outdoor spaces and public buildings in County Mayo? (Please select one of the following that are relevant to you)

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* 26. What actions could Mayo County Council/Age Friendly Mayo take in order to improve the opportunities for older people to enjoy our public spaces? Please enter your response below:

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* 27. What (if anything) would help to improve your access to public areas and services in County Mayo? Please select from the list below:

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* 28. Are there problems with footpaths in any particular locations in County Mayo? Please give details:

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* 29. Is Age Friendly seating needed in any particular locations in County Mayo? Please tell us where you would like to see seating areas installed?

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* 30. Pedestrian crossings: Are there any specific locations where you find it difficult to cross the road? What do you feel is the solution?

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* 31. Do you feel safe in your own home?

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* 32. What do you think would make you feel safer in your home in the coming years?

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* 33. What can An Garda SÍochana do locally to improve their services to Older People?

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* 34. In respect to public transport, please tick the most relevant situation to you:

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* 35. If you drive your own car, is it?

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* 36. 'Age Friendly' Parking Spaces are designated for use by Older people and can located close to main services. Would you like to see more age more age friendly parking spaces in County Mayo?

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* 37. How would you rate the overall “age-friendliness” of local businesses in County Mayo? (Please select one of the following that is relevant to you)

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* 38. How would you rate access to employment opportunities for older people in County Mayo? (Please select one of the following that is relevant to you)

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* 39. We would like people to be as healthy as possible for as long as possible in their community. Do you feel health services are working well for you?

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* 40. Which of the following would you like to see in your area. You can select more than one:

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* 41. What services and supports would help you should you ever feel lonely or/and isolated?

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* 42. During the past 4 weeks, how supported did you feel when you wanted or needed help from others? For example, if you felt lonely and wanted to talk to someone or got sick.

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* 43. Would you know who to contact if you needed to avail of local health and support services in your area? (e.g. Home Support, Meals on Wheels, Day Centre etc.)

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* 44. Have you ever felt discriminated against on the grounds of age in County Mayo?

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* 45. Are you aware of the following: (Please tick all that apply)

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* 46. Have you attended training or education programmes courses or classes in the last five years?

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* 47. If you have not taken part in education and/or training programmes in the last 5 years, can you tell us some of the reasons that have stopped you taking part in education and training?

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* 48. If you would like to take part for the first time or continue to take part in training/education please tell us the types of training/classes you would like to do?

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* 49. How did you cope with the restrictions associated with the Covid 19 pandemic? (Please select one of the following that is relevant to you)

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* 50. What did you find most challenging during the Covid-19 pandemic?

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* 51. Is there anything you learned / liked about living through a pandemic?

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* 52. Is there anything you would like to see changed or introduced locally to help older people after the Covid-19 pandemic? Please state:

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* 53. What do you think will be the main issues impacting on the lives of older people in County Mayo over the next 5 years?

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* 54. Thank you for completing this survey. We would like to keep in touch with you regarding this survey and future initiatives being delivered by the Mayo Age Friendly Programme. Would you like to join our list of contacts?

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