Alberni Clayoquot CBYF - Youth Survey


There is questions around mental health, substance use support and belonging in community. This survey is completely anonymous. Don't hesitate to skip questions or reach out to provide your feedback in other ways if you would like more support!

We want to get to know what is important to youth in the Alberni Clayoquot communities. We have a variety of ways to engage with youth over the next year and this survey is just one way we will be reaching out. We will be using this information to inform youth lead activities, workshops, gatherings, advocacy programs and services which meet the needs youth identify. You can find out more and stay informed through the CBYF Facebook Page, Instagram or by connecting with our Youth Facilitators - Jordan in the Alberni Valley (, Toni in the West Coast Communities ( or Jaslyn in Bamfield/Anacla (
1.Where do you live?
You can select multiple options
2.How old are you?
3.How do you identify yourself?
Include anything you consider relevant to
who you are - gender, cultural group, etc.
Select all that apply
4.Do you feel you have access to a counsellor?
Check all that apply
5.Do you have the support relationships you need?
Let us know who your supports are, you can check all that apply
6.Do you feel safe/welcomed at school (in person or online)?
Check all that apply
7.Do you experience safety and belonging in your community?
Check all that apply
8.What form of transportation do you use to and from school, activities, work, etc
Check all that apply
9.Where do you feel youth need support or education?
Check all that apply
10.Do you feel you know how to access post-secondary education
Not enough information available
I think I can figure it out
I have enough information to apply
I am working with admissions
11.What do you do with your time?
Check all that apply
12.Do you feel like you take care of yourself
No, I don't know how to
I am struggling
I am doing ok
I am trying my best
I am doing really well
13.How do you practice self-care and how do you feel it's going?
Check all that apply
14.What are some barriers in your life?
Check all that apply
15.What substances are you and your peers coming into contact with?
Check all that apply
16.When you or your friends use drugs or alcohol what methods of harm reduction do you use?
Check all that apply
17.Thinking about your own life experiences, what supports would you have benefited from?
What age range would these supports have helped?
18.If you could change anything in your school, community or region that would improve things for youth what would it be?
Thanks for taking the survey - now enter to win a prize!

Send the answer to this skill testing question to our socials or emailing our youth facilitators to enter!
5 + 5 = ??

Connect with our Youth Facilitators - Jordan in the Alberni Valley (, Toni in the West Coast Communities ( or Jaslyn in Bamfield/Anacla ( or DM us at CBYF Facebook Page or Instagram.