Welcome to our survey!

Who are we?
We are Community Voices. We are a collective advocacy group based in Edinburgh and centred on mental health. In advocacy groups like ours, people with shared identities, experiences and challenges come together to have a stronger voice and take action.

What are drop-ins?
Drop-ins are free or donation-based events in the community, that do not require booking. They often run on a regular basis, with a focused activity or purpose, e.g. a coffee morning or a crafts session.

Why are we doing this survey?
We think there are not enough drop-ins and community spaces where people in Edinburgh can meet to socialise. We believe that socialising is crucial in maintaining good mental health. Community spaces are needed to avoid isolation which can worsen mental health issues.

How are we using the information collected?
We will summarise it in a report to circulate and present to funding bodies, community centres, and service providers. Your responses will help us understand what is available in Edinburgh, and what is instead lacking. We hope this will influence provision of services and urge decision-makers to take people's needs into account.

Taking part:
The survey is for those living in Edinburgh who are 16 years old or above. It takes 10 minutes or less to complete. Taking part is voluntary. You can answer as much or as little as you wish, and you can leave the page if you do not want to continue. Deciding not to take part or withdrawing from the survey will not affect you in any way. Your responses are completely anonymous. By filling in the survey, you indicate you have read and understood the above.

If you would like more information, or you would like to answer this survey in a different format, please contact Angharad at angharad@capsadvocacy.org; 07989 402 612 or Irene at irene@capsadvocacy.org; 07881 377 635

Thank you for your time!

Question Title

* 1. I give my consent for CAPS Independent Advocacy to keep my anonymous response to this survey and use it for the purposes outlined above.

20% of survey complete.