GCDP Women’s Club Survey Question Title * 1. What would you like to see as part of our Women’s Club Agenda (or action plan) for 2020? (Select as many options as you wish) Customizable scripts to use to make effective phone calls to legislators Index card type information on specific political topics so I know how to respond with facts effectively and respectfully Speakers to keep me informed about local issues Speakers to keep me informed about state issues Speakers to keep me informed about national issues Political candidates at our meetings to present their case on why we should support them Factual sources of news (using media bias sites to determine valid non-biased or well known sites) Sites for fact checking information see on FB, Twitter, and other social media (Social media is not always a reliable source of information - although you can get feeds from news sources) How and why to get involved with social media - to use it effectively Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. What is your favorite way to keep in contact and up-to-date with the Women’s Club? Web page FaceBook Twitter Text Phone call (we can set up phone call chains) Email Newsletters Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What is the most convenient meeting time for you? as is - 2nd Saturday of the month at noon afternoon weekday evening weekday afternoon Sunday evening Sunday Other (please specify) Done