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PASNAP, the Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals, is proud to have over 9,000 registered nurses and health professionals as members throughout the Commonwealth. We are proud to have 8 Locals in Philadelphia County including St. Christopher’s Nurses United, Temple University Hospital Allied Health Professionals (TAP), Temple University Hospital Nurses Association (TUHNA), Wills Eye Nurses & Techs, Nurses Association of Temple University (NATU), Einstein Nurses United, Jeanes Nurses United, and Temple Faculty Practice Nurses United. We are an independent and activist union focused on empowering the healthcare workers who are on the front lines of patient care: bedside nurses, respiratory therapists, laboratory technicians, paramedics, and more. We believe patients get better care when these dedicated and highly trained professionals have a voice on the job and a seat at the table with management. 

We’ve grown rapidly in the past few years, but we remain fully committed to our core values: safe staffing ratios, healthcare access for all, living wages for workers and families, retirement security for seniors, and — most fundamentally — a voice on the job and a seat at the table for nurses, healthcare professionals, and all workers.

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* 1. Candidate’s first name:

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* 2. Candidate’s last name:

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* 3. Candidate’s home address:

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* 4. Name of office you are seeking:

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* 5. City Council District: (if applicable)

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* 6. Name(s) of your Primary and General Opponent(s):

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* 7. The political party in which you’re registered​:

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* 8. Candidate’s cell:

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* 9. Candidate’s Personal Email:

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* 10. Candidate’s occupation:

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* 11. Have you run for office previously? If so, please provide the details:

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* 12. Do you currently hold or have you previously held public office? Please describe with dates:

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* 13. What is your PAC’s cash on hand as of the last campaign finance filing?

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* 14. Have you received an endorsement from PASNAP in the past? If so, for which office(s) and years.

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* 15. Please list all endorsements your campaign has received, especially from organized labor.

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* 16. Are you now or have you ever been a union member? If so, which union(s) and local(s).

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* 17. Political Action Committee (PAC) name:

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* 18. Political Action Committee (PAC) mailing address:

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* 19. Campaign Email:

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* 20. Campaign Website:

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* 21. Campaign Facebook Account:

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* 22. Campaign Twitter:

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* 23. Other Campaign Social Media Accounts:

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* 24. Campaign Manager’s Name:

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* 25. Campaign Manager’s Cell:

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* 26. Campaign Manager’s Email Address:

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* 27. Tell us about yourself and why you are running for office in 2023?

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* 28. Based on what you know about PASNAP, tell us why you would like our endorsement?

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* 29. What are the main issues that called you to run for office? What are the primary goals that you hope to accomplish?

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* 30. What sets you apart from your opponents?

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* 31. Briefly describe your involvement in your community--the organizations you belong to and the community initiatives you actively participate in and support. Also, if you were able to support your community in any way, large or small, during the COVID crisis, please feel free to talk about that here.

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* 32. Briefly describe your campaign strategy. Has there been any polling in your race? If so, what were the results? Who do you see as your key constituencies? What is your path to victory? Please explain.

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* 33. Do you have any experience working with the labor movement? How has the labor movement affected how you view the world and social change?

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* 34. Do you publicly support the efforts of nurses and healthcare professionals to unionize in their workplace?

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* 35. Will you commit to not accepting money from the Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania?

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* 36. Do you support or oppose employers who use union busting consultants or strategies to prevent unions from being formed within the workplace--or those consultants/strategies being implemented during a collective bargaining process?

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* 37. If not, would you ever show your disapproval of those efforts publicly or to the employer directly?

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* 38. Have you ever attended a PASNAP action (informational picket, strike, rally, etc.)?

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* 39. Do you support the ability for nurses and healthcare professionals to engage in a job action, including a strike or informational picket, over issues related to safe staffing and/or patient care and/or issues related to workplace violence?

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* 40. Do you support the ability for nurses and healthcare professionals to engage in a job action, including a strike or informational picket, over issues related to retirement security and/or issues related to wages?

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* 41. Would you support (a) the ability for nurses and healthcare professionals to bargain safe staffing standards into their contract and (b) provide non-union nurses and healthcare professionals with a path to unionization through a card check neutrality and binding arbitration for the first contracts process?

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* 42. Would you advocate for state or federal legislation that enacts guaranteed minimum nurse-to-patient ratios? This would set minimum safe staffing standards based on the unique needs of different units and how many patients they treat. Studies have shown that this saves lives, reduces errors, decreases complications and improves patient satisfaction, while also reducing nurse fatigue and burnout, and helping with nurse retention.

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* 43. Will you support safe staffing ratios of nursing staff within the facilities in Philadelphia?

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* 44. Workplace violence against nurses and health professionals is on the rise both in frequency and severity. The rate of violence in healthcare has increased every year but one between the years 2011 and 2018. Healthcare workers accounted for 73 percent of all nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses due to violence in 2018. Would you advocate for state or federal legislation that requires health facilities to be proactive in preventing violence against employees?

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* 45. If this office has jurisdiction over a healthcare facility, will you support training and support for your facility staff to prevent and report any occurrences of workplace violence?

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* 46. Will you support the recommendations of Public Health Officials to ensure that the COVID-19 virus is contained and the public health is protected? Too many officials at the local level, Harrisburg or in Washington, DC, are disregarding the recommendations of public health officials to advance economic and leisure efforts.

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* 47. Would you actively support a resolution by the City in support of Medicare for All legislation at the Federal level?

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* 48. When Cities face significant budget shortfalls, critical services are adversely affected and often, it is the most vulnerable citizens who suffer. Can you explain how you would address any potential budget shortfalls, including ways to increase revenue streams.

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* 49. When a hospital closure occurs such as Hahnemann University Hospital, do you support leaving it zoned for a hospital (or another health care use in the community), or do you support allowing it to be re-classified and zoned for another purpose - ie. real estate development - a hotel, housing, etc.

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* 50. Gun violence continues to plague the City of Philadelphia. PASNAP nurses are often the ones who treat the victims of gun violence and are there with the families of victims during their darkest hour. What is your plan of action to slow and stop the gun violence epidemic?

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* 51. Opioid addiction, and drug addiction in general, continue to cause suffering for victims and their families. What is your plan of action to address drug addiction - particularly in the Philadelphia neighborhoods hardest hit by this tragedy?

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* 52. Homelessness across the City has been an issue that previous Mayors have tried to address. What would be your plan of action to address the homeless population?

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* 53. What resources do you think the City can provide to address the mental health crisis among healthcare professionals after the COVID-19 pandemic?

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