Wound care practice survey

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* 1. Was your wound center/department/practice shut down at all during 2020 due to COVID-19?

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* 2. How does your current patient load compare to pre-pandemic numbers?

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* 3. How many telehealth visits did your practice perform pre-pandemic?

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* 4. How many telehealth visits does your practice conduct currently?

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* 5. How has your annual practice revenue changed since the pandemic?

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* 6. How has spending on PPE changed since the pandemic?

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* 7. Has your practice received any federal funding during the COVID-19 pandemic?

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* 8. Has the severity of the wounds you treat changed during the pandemic?

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* 9. Has there been an increase in amputations seen in your patients with diabetes?

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* 10. What do you believe has been the biggest change in your wound practice since the COVID-19 pandemic?