YOU can help choose the features of a new web portal for people with kidney disease.  The portal will help you gain skills and training to: 
* Manage your health
* Be more active
* Work or volunteer

Your answers are confidential and we will never match them with your name.   

Question Title

* 1.
My kidney connection is (please answer from your perspective):

Question Title

* 2. I am: 

Question Title

* 3. My age is:

Question Title

* 4. The country I live in is:

Question Title

* 5. My work status is:

Question Title

* 6. My role in my own healthcare when I am at home is:

Question Title

* 7. What would help ME are tools and resources to learn how to:

  Not helpful Slightly helpful Fairly helpful Helpful Very helpful
Track my diet, blood tests, and medications
Understand my disease and the treatment options for it
Cook foods I can eat
Be more physically fit
Travel for work and holidays
Have healthy relationships
Manage money

Question Title

* 8. In a perfect world, I would have had the information I wanted when :

Question Title

* 9. I want to learn how to:

  Not helpful Slightly helpful Fairly helpful Helpful Very helpful Does not apply
Build my confidence
Manage anger
Manage stress
Improve my memory
Put together a resumé or CV 
Effective communication
Interview for a job
Make a presentation
Be a leader
Build a team
Handle conflict
Use social media
Learn how to use a computer
Improve my sales skills
Write a business plan
Start a business

Question Title

* 10. I like to learn by:

Question Title

* 11. The challenges that keep me from working are:

Question Title

* 12. Three things I would like to see most in a new web portal, in order of importance, are:

Question Title

* 13. Three kidney non-profit groups from the UK and US are joining forces: the British Kidney Patient Association MSS CKD and MEI.  Our goal is to help patients manage their health and feel their best. And, we want to help working-age patients find and keep jobs!

Thank you for your help!  Please download the free Dialyze to Live booklet.  If you would like to stay involved and give more input in the future, please enter your email below.