Exit Gurkha Recruiting Intake 25 advertising improvement survey Thank you for responding to our survey. We will use the data gathered here to improve our advertising for next year's intake. Please answer honestly and to the best of your ability.This survey is completely anonymous. Your answers cannot affect your chances of selection. Question Title * 1. Which district are you from? Question Title * 2. Are you applying for British Army or GCSPF? British Army GCSPF Question Title * 3. Which attempt are you on? 1st attempt 2nd attempt 3rd attempt Question Title * 4. Did you attend one of our community briefings in person? Yes No Question Title * 5. If the answer to Q4 is "no" - did somebody else attend a briefing for you? (select all that apply) Family member Friend Training centre representative Training centre trainee Other None of the above Question Title * 6. How did you get the information about our recruiting process? (select all that apply) Community briefing Senior recruiting assistant (gallah) Friend or family Training centre Newspaper Radio Online / website Other Done