Welcome and Conference Experience

To assist us in future conference planning, please take a moment to provide your valuable and insightful feedback. Your responses will be kept anonymous and any feedback you provide will not be linked to you. We deeply appreciate your time and participation.

- Your Facing Race 2024 Team

Question Title

* 1. How did you attend the Facing Race 2024 conference?

Question Title

* 2. If you attended the conference virtually, why did you choose to participate online? (Check all that apply)

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* 3. Please submit your ratings of the overall conference and the following programs:

  Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Poor N/A (I didn't attend)
Overall Facing Race Conference
Opening Ceremony (Wedn evening)
Plenary - Navigating the Post-Election Landscape: Insights and Strategies for a Just Democracy (Thurs Morning)
National Health Equity Grand Rounds “Rewrite the Script: Narrative Transformation for Equity in Health” (Thurs Afternoon)
Plenary - 10 Years After Ferguson: What the Movement Taught Us, Where We Go From Here (Thurs Afternoon)
Keynote Address: Joy-Ann Reid (Fri morning)
Plenary - From Hope to Action: Building Multiracial Solidarity (Fri afternoon)
Racial Justice Reads

Question Title

* 4. Please rank (1-3) how relevant the breakout sessions tracks were to your work.