Webcast - Lung Cancer Screening Updates 2022"

Activity Evaluation

Please complete the evaluation and posttest to obtain CME credit. 
1.First and Last Name, credentials (M.D., D.O., R.N. etc.)(Required.)
I attest that I have completed the participant requirements for this CME activity.
3.Activity objectives were met?
Understand the evidence behind and the importance of Lung Cancer Screening in the high risk patient; describe new eligibility guidelines for lung cancer screening per 0-2/2022 CMS Decision Memo; list three barriers to lung cancer screening; implement best practices for interactions with patients.
4.This activity impacted or increased the following:
5.This activity addressed the following areas and will increase or enhance the following in my practice (check all that apply)
6.Was this activity free from bias?
7.Was this activity evidenced-based?
8.What percent of lung cancer cases are diagnosed at an early stage?
9.Clinical outcome for non-small cell lung cancer is directly related to?
10.What is the number one cause of lung cancer among non-smokers?