Service-Learning Course Designation

1.Faculty Name
2. Course Name
Example: Introduction to the Teaching Profession
3.Semester and Year *
Example: Fall 2018
4.CRN Number
Example: 10525
5.Course Subject *
Example: EDCI
6.Course Number and Section Number *
Example: 1102-262
7.Course Learning Goals *
Service-learning courses require academic, civic, and personal learning goals. List them below.
8.Partnerships *
Who is your community partner? If you need assistance finding a partner, please contact us at or ext. 3135.
9.Engagement *
Explain how your students will be engaged with the community partner? What kind of service will they be performing and for how long?
10.Reflection *
Explain how students will engage in reflection as part of your service-learning course (i.e.: written, in-class, oral, final paper, SL Expo poster, etc.). Example: Students will turn in a written reflection activity before, during, and after the service opportunity.
How are you assessing the learning goals attached to the service-learning experience. Is there a percentage of your course grade attached to the service-learning experience? If so, how much and how is it graded? Example: If you have a written reflection, are you using a specific rubric and how much is the reflection worth as part of your course grades?
Please email your course syllabus to
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