Friends of Patterson Park Communication Survey Question Title * 1. Now and in the past year, how have you typically heard about events in Patterson Park? (check all that apply) Friends of Patterson Park Weekly Email Newsletter Neighborhood social media page (like Patterson Park Neighbors, Butchers Hill Blocks, Canton Neighbors, etc.) Friends of Patterson Park's website - Friends of Patterson Park's Facebook page Friends of Patterson Park's Instagram page Neighborhood association's printed or emailed newsletter Word of mouth Signboard, poster or banner displayed in the park I'm always the last to know about park events and programs. Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Moving forward, where would you like to see info about events in Patterson Park? Friends of Patterson Park Weekly Email Newsletter Neighborhood social media page (like Patterson Park Neighbors, Butchers Hill Blocks, Canton Neighbors, etc.) Friends of Patterson Park's website - Friends of Patterson Park's Facebook page Friends of Patterson Park's Instagram page Neighborhood association's printed or emailed newsletter Signboard, poster or banner displayed in the park Other (please specify) - feel free to recommend places/methods not mentioned here. Question Title * 3. What social media or other communication platforms do you currently use or plan to use this year? Instagram Facebook Reddit X LinkedIn Pinterest Youtube BlueSky Signal WhatsApp I do not use any social media platforms. Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. How do you feel about receiving printed mail in 2025? Send me all the mail! I'd like to receive occasional park updates/invitations through the mail. I don't wish to receive mail. Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Are you interested in receiving park updates from us via occasional Text message? Yes! No more than 2x month. Yes! Once weekly (or less) is great. I'm unsure, but I would give it a shot. No, I don't want news, updates and invitations via text message. Next