Abstraction Submission Details
Please list Title, Authors and affiliations as follows:
Study Title
Principal A Investigator1, Second B Author1, Third C Author2, Fourth D Author1
1State University, Anytown, State, USA; 2Royalty College, Sometown, Ireland
Your abstract should be single spaced and no more than 300 words excluding the title, authors, affiliations, and references (if any). All abstracts should include the following sections:
- Background and objectives
- Methods and approach
- Results and findings
- Conclusions and interpretation.
Please limit the use of acronyms and abbreviations. The first time an abbreviation is used, it should be spelled out in full, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Limit the use of special characters and ensure that all superscripts, subscripts, italics, bold, Greek letters and other symbols are present in the electronic version. Use appropriate sub- and superscripts for compounds (e.g., PM2.5). Avoid the use of special formulas as these may get lost during submission of the form. Do not include figures or tables in the abstract.
The HEI Annual Conference attendees include policymakers and scientists from a variety of disciplines. Please write the abstract in language accessible to a broad audience who might not be familiar with your scientific discipline.