City of Monroe Business Survey

Thank you for your participation in the 2020 Monroe Business Survey.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic this has been a year of unprecedented challenges for the businesses and residents of Monroe.  Feedback on how the city can best support our businesses during this crisis is more critical than ever. 

In addition to learning information that will help in planning programs and services for the community at large, your responses will potentially enable us to identify ways in which we can support your specific business.  This survey is being conducted as part of the city’s business expansion and retention program.   The deadline for survey responses is October 31, 2020.  The results of the survey will be published on the City of Monroe website upon completion of the survey. No personal or contact information is included in the published results. All questions are optional.  The survey will take about 25 to 30 minutes to complete.  

If you have questions about why we are asking for this information or how your answers are used or data privacy protected, please contact James Palmer at or call 360-631-0500.  

Thank you for your participation. 

Question Title

* 1. Business Name

Question Title

* 2. Contact Person

Question Title

* 3. Contact Person Title

Question Title

* 4. Business Address

Question Title

* 5. Contact's Business Phone

Question Title

* 6. Contact's Email

Question Title

* 7. Company Website

Question Title

* 11. What markets does your company serve?  Check all that apply

Question Title

* 12. Please rank the following issues by the most important issue facing your company (#1) to the least important issue (#12).

Question Title

* 13. Please describe the most critical issue facing your business?

Question Title

* 14. Please rank the city's Economic Development investment priorities.  #1 as the most important

Question Title

* 15. Are there other Economic Development investment priorities that you would like the City to add?

Question Title

* 16. Please rate the following community resources according to their quality and cost, choose the response which best matches your opinion.

  Excellent Good Average Poor No Opinion
Natural Gas
City Streets
WSDOT Highways
Public Transportation
Health Care
Education (K-12)
Higher Education
Police Protection
Fire Protection
Paramedic/EMT Services
Land Use/Building Permits
Economic Development

Question Title

* 20. Do you have plans to increase your physical space in the next 3 years?

Question Title

* 22. Will you be making new investments in equipment in 2020?

Question Title

* 23. Are you planning an expansion of your business in the next 5 years?

Question Title

* 24. If "Yes", please briefly describe your expansion plans.

Question Title

* 25. Is your company planning any new or expanded operations outside of the City of Monroe? 

Question Title

* 26. If "Yes", where and why was Monroe not chosen to expand or create new operations?

Question Title

* 27. Have you reduced your staffing capacity due to the COVID-19 crisis?

Question Title

* 28. If you have laid off employees or contract workers, how many?

0 Number of Employees Laid Off 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 29. What percentage of layoffs are permanent vs. temporary

Question Title

* 30. Do you intend to reduce staffing in the next 6 months?

Question Title

* 31. Will you be able to make rent/mortgage payments over the next six months?

Question Title

* 32. Have you lost money through deposits or down payments that will not be refunded? Or Have you had to refund deposits or down payments?

Question Title

* 33. Are there other costs, such as equipment leases or debt payments that will be difficult to cover?   Please describe.

Question Title

* 34. Have your costs increased during the COVID-19 crisis?  i.e. video conferencing subscriptions, sanitizing supplies, etc.  Please describe.

Question Title

* 35. Did your income decline compared to this time last year?

Question Title

* 36. If so, by what percentage did your revenues decline?  100 means a complete loss of revenue and 0 means no loss of revenue.

0 Percentage of Revenue Decline 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 37. Please indicate which additional impacts your business is experiencing due to the COVID-19 crisis.  Check all that apply

Question Title

* 38. Please indicate which of the following COVID-19 related developments has affected your business.  Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 39. What skills do you feel will best help workers thrive during the COVID-19 crisis?

Question Title

* 40. Do you feel Everett Community College, East Valley Campus, can play a role in helping workers prepare and deal with with the COVID-19 crisis?  How?

Question Title

* 41. How can the City of Monroe best help your business get through the current situation?

Question Title

* 42. Please share any additional comments regarding this survey or actions the city should take to improve the business climate in Monroe.