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Are you a resident of White Rock-South Surrey?
We want to hear from you.

Help us create innovative, locally-built programs for all!
In just FIVE minutes you can have an impact on our community’s approach to mental wellness.
Who are we?
Our working group consists of volunteers from Alex House, Brella, Peace Arch Hospital Foundation, Sources, Together-SSWR, White Rock South Surrey Division of Family Practice Physicians, and other community advocates who have come together to support residents. We believe that a main way to develop enduring mental health programs is to better understand community members' needs.

What’s involved?
All information is anonymous and will not be connected in any way to you personally. Your participation is voluntary, and completion of the survey gives your consent. Take your time, there is no time limit. You can stop the survey at any time. You can also answer the questions you want and skip the ones you do not want to answer. 
Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the survey.
1. In the last 12 months have you used any of these supports for emotional wellness or mental health? And if you did access them, were they helpful?

Question Title

* Family or Caregiver
(check the box that best describes your experience)

Question Title

* Friend
(check the box that best describes your experience)

Question Title

* Teacher/School Counsellor
(check the box that best describes your experience)

Question Title

* Physician
(check the box that best describes your experience)

Question Title

* Psychiatrist
(check the box that best describes your experience)

Question Title

* Pediatrician, Nurse or Medical Specialist
(check the box that best describes your experience)

Question Title

* Spiritual Leader and/or Community Elder
(check the box that best describes your experience)

Question Title

* Outreach Worker (Youth/Adult/Family) or Street Nurse
(check the box that best describes your experience)

Question Title

* Private Therapist (Counsellor/Psychologist)
(check the box that best describes your experience)

Question Title

* Community Provider of Services (i.e. White Rock Mental Health, Sources, Hospice, etc.)
(check the box that best describes your experience)

Question Title

* Specific Work or Disability Program (EAP) provided a therapist (i.e. ICBC, WorkSafe, Work Rehab., etc.) (check the box that best describes your experience)

Question Title

* Residential Program (private or public, substance use or other)
(check the box that best describes your experience)

Question Title

* Crisis and/or Help Line
(check the box that best describes your experience)

Question Title

* Online Self-Guided Workshop or Program outside of White Rock/South Surrey (i.e. BounceBack, Kelty's Key)
(check the box that best describes your experience)

Question Title

* Self-Study, Self-Help Books, Web Apps, Articles, etc.
(check the box that best describes your experience)

Question Title

* Hospital ER
(check the box that best describes your experience)

Question Title

* Emergency Services (police, EMT, fire)
(check the box that best describes your experience)

Question Title

* 2. In the past 12 months, have you thought you needed emotional or mental health support but didn’t get it?

Question Title

* 3. If yes, what were the reason(s) you didn’t get it? Mark all that apply.

The information you provide is strictly confidential and will not be connected in any way to you personally. This information is important as it helps us ensure that our information is representative. It is helpful for us but not mandatory for you to fill out.

Question Title

* How long have you lived in White Rock-South Surrey?

Question Title

* How would you describe your sense of belonging to the community? (check one)

Question Title

* What is your current age (in years)?

Question Title

* What is your identified gender?

Question Title

* What is the main language/s spoken in your home?

Question Title

* How would you describe your cultural or ethnic identity/ies?

Question Title

* With regards to work in the last 12 months, I am mainly: (check one)

Question Title

* Household Income Range (check one)

Thank you for your time!

We value your input! If you are looking for local mental health resources or information go to www.together-sswr.com or call the resource line at 604-531-0361 to discuss available options.
What’s next?
The results of this survey will be used to set the stage for an innovation-based engagement initiative to be held in January 2023 to focus on identifying opportunities for improving mental health service access and capacity for White Rock-South Surrey residents. We will also share the findings with local programs and the public, with the hopes of sparking innovative ways of meeting the mental health needs of our community. If you are interested in participating in our innovation sessions or would like more information about our projects, go to www.together-sswr.com.