Editorial Service Booking Question Title * 1. What shall I call you, and how do I reach you? Name Email Address Phone Number Question Title * 2. What is your expected word count to be edited? Question Title * 3. Will you please share your book's genre and a brief synopsis? Question Title * 4. How soon would you like to start edits? As soon as possible. 1-2 months. 3-5 months. 6 months or longer. Question Title * 5. What type of editing service would you like? Proofreading only for story flow and minor typos. Line editing for typos and grammatical errors. Story read for plot and structure flow. Comprehensive edits for punctuation, grammar, and storyline. Rewriting to take a rough draft and polish it into a workable manuscript. Ghost writing to take an idea and turn it into a book. Question Title * 6. What software do you use to write (Microsoft Word, GoogleDocs, etc.)? Question Title * 7. Have we worked together before? Yes and I loved it. Yes and it was an okay experience. No but I've heard great things about you. No but I need an editor so you'll do. Question Title * 8. How did you hear about me? Question Title * 9. Is there anything else you would like me to know about your project? DONE WITH SURVEY