Professional Development 2020 Survey

1.Which of the following topics interest you the most? Check all that apply.
2.Which of the following topics interest you the most? Check all that apply.
3.How likely are you to enroll in any of the following workshops in 2020?
Very likely
Neither likely or unlikely
Not Likely
Very unlikely
learning how to have high-stakes influence conversations
learning how to build your powerbase
how to manage overwhelm and better manage your time
how to build more effective teams
how to communicate simply and powerfully
how to execute more effectively
how to improve your customer service
how to develop or improve your workforce succession plan
how to plan emotionally and psychologically for your retirement
4.How likely are you to enroll in any of the following workshops in 2020?
Very likely
Neither likely or unlikely
Not Likely
Very unlikely
creating a high-performing culture
engaging and mobilizing staff
building high trust and healthy connections through conversations
resolving unproductive conflict
5.Which is your preferred learning format?
6.What would you be willing to pay to attend a half-day workshop?(Required.)
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered